Issue 1959 - Fortnightly, 2023


“Rak Ah's Star" &
"Bad Blood in Bangalla" part 1
36 pages
Cover art Antonio Lemos

In this comic we bring you “Rak Ah’s Star” written by Daniel Carlsson and with art by Anthony Spay.  A group of tomb robbers who’ve been raiding ancient and sacred burial sites across the jungle in pursuit of gold and precious stones. They’re motivated by pure, simple and ugly greed!
Our second story heralds the beginning of a potentially epic multi-part narrative written and drawn by Queensland artist Shane Foley titled “Bad Blood in Bangalla”p1 “The Old Devil Road”. A story of the current Phantom in 6 chapters which reintroduces many old Lee Falk characters and concepts which I’m sure will add extra interest to long time readers. In this story he re-introduces the Leopard Man and the Golden People among others.



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