Introducing the new Phantom collector’s "Replica Series"! Anyone who has purchased an Annual in the last 23 years will have received an early issue replica wrapped on. However, from letters and requests received, it seems one per year is not enough as it will take 50 years to get to Issue 73! So, in addition to the Annual’s early replicas, the new Replica Series will appear 3 times each year and will contain 3 or 4 early issues, their colour covers and the retro adverts they originally carried.
We start in this issue at No 199 and will count down to No 1! This is really taking the "for those who came in late" concept to a whole new level! Many fans will not have had an opportunity to see these early stories as they appeared - warts and all - remember we are going back in time more than 53 years when comic production was a very different beast and when the first Frew staff had no idea how long the Phantom would last.
Enjoy! In a few months the Replica Series No 2 will contain Issues 196, 195 and 194.
Collectors Series!
We now offer this as a physical paper comic or as a digital comic.
Please be aware that if choosing a Digital Comics from the dropdown menu below they are for private usage only! For copyright security the link is valid for 2 downloads and will expire in 7 days after purchase, downloads are limited to 2 IP addresses only.