Issue 1723 - Fortnightly, 2015


36 pages. 

Mint condition.

"The Mystery of Cape Cod" - story by Norman Worker and art by Cesar Spadari.

The Mystery of Cape Cod, written by Norman Worker has everything one could wish for in a Phantom adventure  including the delightful twist of Lee Falk appearing as the writer Leo with a house on Cape Cod. In reality, Lee Falk and his family actually had a holiday home on the Cape. There is a marvelous moment in this story where character and creator meet and Mr Walker explains his reason for being on Cape Cod. From this point on the story moves into overdrive with a fabulously entertaining tale of piracy. The Phantom’s quest for justice and the evil Captain Yard Arm Lynch all interwoven into a modern real time drama involving none other than a bank robber by the name of Lynch who is clearly a relative or a reincarnation of the evil pirate.

It’s an inspired piece of comic book literature set off in magnificent style by the interpretation of a passage from Henry Beston’s The Outermost House. This was a book published in 1928 the inspiration for which came after a year spent living among the dunes of Cape Cod. It is loaded with genius poetic observation of all things natural and well worthy of further investigation if you are interested in nature and great writing of another era!

While we are on the subject of art The Mystery of Cape Cod was brilliantly captured by the pen of Cesar Spadari who always impresses me with his vividly high contrast work and an ability to accurately depict all the elements of nature, mood and emotion, darkness, evil and the domestic.

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