The first story is an Egmont story, historic in its nature called “A Web of Lies”. It’s a 2021 Team Fantomen story, written by Claes Reimerthi, with the very distinctive art by Kari Leppänen. The story focuses on the 5th Phantom who for the purposes of this story becomes known as Jonah after he was shipwrecked and washed ashore like flotsam off the coast of Cornwall! An unfortunate incident which has left him concussed, dazed and without memory or identity in a strange land!
Followed by “The Pinstripe Wizards” part 1 written by Jason Franks with wonderful art by Kay. Both of these creatives are first time contributors to Frew, but by no means new to this game, as is evident in this rather sparklingly fun first part of a two-part story.
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