Phantom Philecard #1917-1925


Frew publishing history in trading card form!

Frew are introducing the Phantom Philecard. Each Philecard is a trading card sized (63 x 89 mm), showing the cover on one side and all of the publication information for that issue on the reverse side. This information consists of the publishing date, the name of the story, the name of the original story, the cover artist, number of pages and cover price. (Please note that Frew’s records are incomplete and some of this information may be generalised). Frew has gathered the information from historians Barry Stubbersfield and David Budds, distributor Gordon and Gotch, and their own archives. They come in packs of 9 and they will start from issue #1. So the first pack will comprise issues 1-9, 2nd pack 10-18, etc, etc. Each new pack will be issued with each new issue. 

We are also making collector binders for these. The binders will hold one dozen 9-card sheets, making that a total of 108 cards per binder. These will be in production very soon, and, when collected, will make an excellent reference source for Frew’s Phantom publishing history.

If you just want the packs, they will be $3.50, and available from the website. You can subscribe to them for $95 per year. Or you could just subscribe to the comic (regular or Signature Series)…and get them for $26 per year. Just sayin’.

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