Issue 1914 - Signature Series, 2022


36 pages.
Death in the East End part 1

Mint condition. The story’s focus is on a young Kit, who will go on to become the
18th Phantom, during his school days at Whitecliff in southern England. He
and his friend Geoffrey encounter a criminal organization known as The Red
Hand who have been using their school as a front for some dubious activity.
They find themselves in life threatening danger, just as well that Kit’s father,
the 17th Phantom, drops in for a visit.
The story written by Michael Tierres, aka Claes Reimerthi appeared in
Sweden’s Fantomen No 16/1987, so it was quite early in Reimerthi’s
extraordinary comic career journey which commenced with Fantomen in
1984 and spanned all the way through until his untimely passing in 2021.
It’s clearly evident from this story that he was a writer with enduring talent
and the imagery richly realised by French comic artist Georges Bess is
outstandingly menacing and powerful.

Cover Art: Glenn Lumsden


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